RDF files download

The RDF data is available as a compressed tar file. It contains several files in Turtle format (ttl) including both ontology, metadata, query examples and data.
The content reflects what is made available at our sparql endpoint. In addition we provide with additional Turtle files which can be loaded on top of those in cellosaurus_ttl.tar.gz in order to speed up the execution of some SPARQL queries especially for triple stores with low memory resources (RAM).
The additional files contain the materialization of some inferable triples. In RDF/SPARQL materialization refers to the process of explicitly generating and storing all possible inferred triples based on the existing data and defined rules or ontologies. This process involves: Materialization can help in several ways: In our case, the usage of inferred triples makes the usage of "*", "?", "+" and "{n,m} symbols in SPARQL query property path expressions unnecessary and may notably improve performance on queries involving a concept and all the concepts that are more specific than it according to some concept scheme. For example:
select * where {
  ?something ?related_somehow_to ?any_concept .
  ?any_concept cello:more_specific_than* ?concept .
  ?concept skos:inScheme db:NCBI_TaxID ; skos:notation "50557"^^xsd:string .  # Insecta
would not require "*" (a path of zero or more occurrences of cello:more_specific_than) and would run faster after loading the files proposed below. The files can be found here: