Cellosaurus is a manually curated resource that attempts to extensively describe all cell lines used in biomedical research. The OWL Cellosaurus ontology serves as the semantic model for all the diverse information contained in the Cellosaurus RDF. Cellosaurus is a comprehensive knowledge resource on cell lines used in biomedical research, encompassing both vertebrate and invertebrate species. It provides detailed information for over 140,000 cell lines, including recommended names, synonyms, unique accession numbers, species of origin, and structured comments. The database contains crucial details such as contamination status, genetic modifications, disease associations, STR profiles, and cell line categorization. Delivering a RDF version of Cellosaurus is an important step towards FAIRification. Making it available from our [SPARQL endpoint](https://sparql.cellosaurus.org/sparql) is key to Linked Open Data (LOD) perspective and for improving interoperability in particular thanks to federated queries. The OWL Cellosaurus ontology was developed to serve as the semantic model for all the diverse information contained in the Cellosaurus RDF. Two key principles guided its construction: * Anchorage and reuse. A common vocabulary is essential for RDF to allow good interoperability so reusing terms from standard ontologies was a priority. * Practicalities. Readability and documentation are important for us humans. Local equivalent classes and / or properties with human readable IRIs as well as sub-properties with documented domains and ranges were defined in order to take advantage of the [SPARQL-editor](/sparql-editor) (autocompletion functionality) and of the [widoco](https://github.com/dgarijo/Widoco) documentation tool which generated this page. The [EMBL-EBI Ontology Lookup Service](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/) (OLS) was the main tool used to search for existing terms relevant to our ontology. In addition to their formal OWL definition, some of our classes and properties are also described using the SKOS ontology. It adds some very informative links between our concepts and those from other ontologies for both humans and search algorithms. When available, the SKOS links also appear in this widoco documentation in the _has relation_ section of the terms. (to be defined) See https://api.cellosaurus.org/rdf-ontology cello Cellosaurus ontology 1.0 - 2025-03-10 09:59:37.044606 - prod **Links with other ontologies** Most of the classes and properties defined within the Cellosaurus ontology (prefix cello:) are derived from existing terms defined in general purpose or domain specific OWL ontologies. In this version (revision 1.0): * Out of 131 classes, 126 are rdfs:subClassOf+ or / and owl:equivalentClass of an external term. * Out of 108 properties, 90 are rdfs:subPropertyOf+ or / and owl:equivalentProperty of an external term. More details about the subsuming / equivalency term relationships are available in the SPARQL query examples at [sparql-editor](/sparql-editor). Since Cellosaurus is an extensive description of cell lines, multiple ontologies were required to cover its conceptual field, among which : * [IAO is_about](http://purl.obolibrary.org/ontology/IAO_0000136) to define [cello:hasAnnotation](#hasAnnotation) as its inverse property (owl:inverseOf) * [IAO DataItem](http://purl.obolibrary.org/ontology/IAO_0000027) as a superclass of several topic comments in conjunction with EDAM concepts topic and has_topic. See for example [cello:DonorInfoComment](#DonorInfoComment) * [BFO has_part](http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000051) as a super property for [cello:hasAntibodyLightChain](#hasAntibodyLightChain) and others * Multiple [schema.org concepts](https://schema.org/) concepts for person, organization, location, and observation entities * Some [dcterms](https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/#section-2) properties are used as super properties for many of our terms, see [dcterms:source](#httppurlorgdctermssource) and [dcterms:identifier](#httppurlorgdctermsidentifier). * For publication citations, our terms are mostly derived from dcterms and from [FaBiO](http://purl.org/spar/fabio) which extends dcterms and provides with a classification of bibliographic entities and more attributes. * We use [OBI Genetic transformation](http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0600043) as a superclass for [cello:GenomeModificationMethod](#GenomeModificationMethod) subclasses and [OBI Genetic characteristics information](http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0001404) and other OBI terms to root and organize multiple cell line annotations types as seen [here](#httppurlobolibraryorgoboOBI_0001404) * Root biological concepts like disease, gene, marker, sequence variations from [NCIt](https://ncithesaurus.nci.nih.gov) are used as subsuming or equivalent to our terms. See for example [cello:Sequencevariation](#SequenceVariation) * [UBERON](https://obophenotype.github.io/uberon/) and [CL](https://obophenotype.github.io/cell-ontology/) which describe anatomical terms and cell types respectively. * [ChEBI](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/) serves as a root to define chemical compounds and [cello:Protein](#Protein) * [cello:CellLine](#CellLine) sub-classes have an owl:equivalentClass in [Wikidata](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Main_Page) and 5 cell line properties have owl:equivalentProperty as well. Note that every cell line of Cellosaurus is also described in Wikidata. The content of Wikidata regarding cellosaurus cell lines is synchronized with a bot running on each new Cellosaurus release. * [skos](https://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/) terms are used to define local [concept schemes](#CelloConceptScheme) and to link related concepts within concept schemes. It is also used to add informal semantic links between terms across ontologies, for example between [cello:PrivaDocentThesis](#PrivaDocentThesis) and [up:ThesisCitation](https://purl.uniprot.org/html/index-en.html#Thesis_Citation). Note that skos properties linking our terms to other ontology terms are displayed in the _has relation_ section of the term. **Cross-references** [Xref](#Xref) instances are widely used in Cellosaurus. They have their own namespace and IRIs. A cross-reference instance provides information about its database, its identifier within the database (accession) and an URL pointing to a Web page. It may also come with an optional _rdfs:label_ property or _discontinued_ property depending on the context. The most common use cases are: * with [cello:seeAlsoXref](#seeAlsoXref) property to propose additional information about a cell line * with [cello:originatesFrom](#originatesFrom) property for indicate the origin of a source of information * with [cello:isIdentifiedByXref](#isIdentifiedByXref) property where it plays the role of an identifier for some instance of Gene, Species, Anatomical, Chemical or other kind of entity. **Concept schemes and concepts** Sub-classes of [cello:Database](#Database) may have instances (named individuals) which also belong to [cello:CelloConceptScheme](#CelloConceptScheme), see for example [db:ORDO](#httplocalhostrdfdbORDO). This occurs when the cross-references of a database can also be seen as concepts linked to each other to form a hierachy of concepts, that is an ontology. Such cross-references are also declared as instances of [skos:Concept](#httpwwww3org200402skoscoreConcept) and linked to each other within their CelloConceptScheme with [cello:more_specific_than](#more_specific_than) properties. For any cross-reference used in Cellosaurus to somehow describe a cell line and which belongs to either db:CL, db:ChEBI, db:NCBI_TaxID, db:NCIt, db:ORDO, db:RS, db:UBERON, or db:VBO, we provide with: * all the parent concepts up to the root concept in the original ontology * the hierarchical structure with property _cello:more_specific_than_ properties linking concepts Making the hierarchy of concepts available within Cellosaurus makes it possible to build SPARQL queries using a criterion like > ?any_concept cello:more_specific_than* ?some_concept . See also SPARQL query examples at [sparql-editor](/sparql-editor) **Names for instances** The instances of many classes have names. And to give a thing a name we use many different properties: rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel, cello:recommendedName, cello:alternativeName, cello:registeredName, etc. used in different contexts. All these properties have a specific function but sometimes you just don't know whether the name you have in mind is a recommended or an alternative name or whatever. To solve this problem, we provide a so-called materialization of triples that can be inferred from the hierarchy of naming properties. As an example, if you're looking for 'He-La' cell line ('He-La' is an cello:alternativeName of cvcl:CVCL_0030), you can simply use the cello:name property in the basic graph pattern: > select ... where { > ?cl cello:name 'He-La'^^xsd:string . > } This is because cello:alternativeName is defined as a rdfs:subPropertyOf cello:name See also the usage of name properties for instances of each class in SPARQL query examples at [sparql-editor](/sparql-editor). **Named individuals** The ontology defines a number of so-called named individuals (owl:NamedIndividual). They belong to a few classes: * [cello:CelloConceptScheme](#CelloConceptScheme) class and [cello:Database](#Database) sub-classes are populated with named individuals, example [db:ATCC](#httplocalhostrdfdbATCC) * [cello:GenomeModificationMethod](#GenomeModificationMethod) class and its sub-classes are populated with named individuals, example: [cello:CrisprCas9](#CrisprCas9) * [Sex](#Sex) class is defined as a set of named individuals, example [cello:MixedSex](#MixedSex). **Main namespaces** | Prefix | IRI | Name | |------------|------------|------| | cello: | http://localhost/rdf/ontology/ | Cellosaurus ontology classes and properties | | cvcl: | http://localhost/rdf/cvcl/ | Cellosaurus cell line instances | | orga: | http://localhost/rdf/orga/ | Cellosaurus organization instances | | db: | http://localhost/rdf/db/ | Cellosaurus online database and concept scheme named individuals | | xref: | http://localhost/rdf/xref/ | Cellosaurus cross-reference and concept instances | | BFO: | http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_ | Basic Formal Ontology | | CHEBI: | http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_ | Chemical Entities of Biological Interest | | EDAM: | http://edamontology.org/ | The ontology of data analysis and management | | IAO: | http://purl.org/ontology/IAO_ | Information Artifact Ontology | | fabio: | http://purl.org/spar/fabio/ | FaBiO, the FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology | | dcterms: | http://purl.org/dc/terms/ | DCMI Metadata Terms | | NCIt: | http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_ | NCI Thesaurus OBO Edition | | OBI: | http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_ | Ontology for Biomedical Investigations | | owl: | http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl# | The OWL 2 Schema vocabulary | | rdf: | http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# | The RDF Concepts Vocabulary | | rdfs: | http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# | The RDF Schema vocabulary | | schema: | https://schema.org/ | Schemas for structured data on the Internet | | skos: | http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# | Simple Knowledge Organization System | | wd: | http://www.wikidata.org/entity/ | Wikidata entities | http://localhost/rdf/ontology/ cello http://localhost/rdf/cvcl/ cvcl http://localhost/rdf/xref/ xref http://localhost/rdf/pub/ pub http://localhost/rdf/orga/ orga http://localhost/rdf/db/ db http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema# xsd http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# rdf http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# rdfs http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# skos http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl# owl http://purl.org/dc/terms/ dcterms http://purl.org/spar/fabio/ fabio http://purl.uniprot.org/core/ up http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/ bibo https://w3id.org/widoco/vocab# widoco http://purl.org/vocab/vann/ vann http://www.w3.org/ns/oa# oa http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/ wdt http://www.wikidata.org/entity/ wd http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl# sh https://schema.org/ schema https://api.cellosaurus.org/ help https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ pubmed http://www.bioassayontology.org/bao#BAO_ BAO http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BTO_ BTO http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_ CLO http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_ NCIt http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_ OBI http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OMIT_ OMIT http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/FBcv_ FBcv http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GENO_ GENO http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CARO_ CARO http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_ CL http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_ CHEBI http://www.orpha.net/ORDO/Orphanet_ ORDO http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/IAO_ IAO http://edamontology.org/ EDAM http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/2.0/ prism http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_ BFO http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ OLS Different synonyms for the cell line, including alternative use of lower and upper cases characters. Misspellings are not included in synonyms<br><dt>has domain</dt><dd><a href="#CelloConceptScheme" title="http://localhost/rdf/CelloConceptScheme">Cellosaurus Concept Scheme</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#CellLine" title="http://localhost/rdf/CellLine">Cell line</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#https://schema.org/Organization" title="https://schema.org/Organization">Organization</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Database" title="http://localhost/rdf/Database">Database</a></dd> alternative name An IRI that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to with the purpose to unequivocally identify the described resource.<br><dt>has domain</dt><dd><a href="#Species" title="http://localhost/rdf/Species">Species</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Disease" title="http://localhost/rdf/Disease">Disease</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#CellType" title="http://localhost/rdf/CellType">Cell type</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Breed" title="http://localhost/rdf/Breed">Breed</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#CellLine" title="http://localhost/rdf/CellLine">Cell line</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#ChemicalEntity" title="http://localhost/rdf/ChemicalEntity">Chemical entity</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#AnatomicalEntity" title="http://localhost/rdf/AnatomicalEntity">Anatomical entity</a></dd> is identified by IRI A database cross-reference that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to with the purpose to unequivocally identify the described resource.<br><dt>has domain</dt><dd><a href="#Species" title="http://localhost/rdf/Species">Species</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Disease" title="http://localhost/rdf/Disease">Disease</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#CellType" title="http://localhost/rdf/CellType">Cell type</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Breed" title="http://localhost/rdf/Breed">Breed</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Gene" title="http://localhost/rdf/Gene">Gene</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#ChemicalEntity" title="http://localhost/rdf/ChemicalEntity">Chemical entity</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#AnatomicalEntity" title="http://localhost/rdf/AnatomicalEntity">Anatomical entity</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#GeneMutation" title="http://localhost/rdf/GeneMutation">Gene mutation</a></dd> is identified by xref A misspelling as it appears in some publication or external resource<br><dt>has domain</dt><dd><a href="#CellLine" title="http://localhost/rdf/CellLine">Cell line</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#MisspellingRecord" title="http://localhost/rdf/MisspellingRecord">Misspelling record</a></dd> misspelling name A human-readable version of a resource's name.<br><dt>has domain</dt><dd><a href="#Sex" title="http://localhost/rdf/Sex">Sex</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#https://schema.org/Observation" title="https://schema.org/Observation">Observation</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#CelloConceptScheme" title="http://localhost/rdf/CelloConceptScheme">Cellosaurus Concept Scheme</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#ChemicalEntity" title="http://localhost/rdf/ChemicalEntity">Chemical entity</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#MisspellingRecord" title="http://localhost/rdf/MisspellingRecord">Misspelling record</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Population" title="http://localhost/rdf/Population">Population</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#RegistrationRecord" title="http://localhost/rdf/RegistrationRecord">Registration record</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Species" title="http://localhost/rdf/Species">Species</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Disease" title="http://localhost/rdf/Disease">Disease</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#CellType" title="http://localhost/rdf/CellType">Cell type</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Source" title="http://localhost/rdf/Source">Source</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Gene" title="http://localhost/rdf/Gene">Gene</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Xref" title="http://localhost/rdf/Xref">Cross-Reference</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#https://schema.org/Organization" title="https://schema.org/Organization">Organization</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Breed" title="http://localhost/rdf/Breed">Breed</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#https://schema.org/Person" title="https://schema.org/Person">Person</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept" title="http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept">Concept</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#CellLine" title="http://localhost/rdf/CellLine">Cell line</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#SequenceVariation" title="http://localhost/rdf/SequenceVariation">Sequence variation</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Database" title="http://localhost/rdf/Database">Database</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#AnatomicalEntity" title="http://localhost/rdf/AnatomicalEntity">Anatomical entity</a></dd> name Most frequently the name of the cell line as provided in the original publication<br><dt>has domain</dt><dd><a href="#CelloConceptScheme" title="http://localhost/rdf/CelloConceptScheme">Cellosaurus Concept Scheme</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#CellLine" title="http://localhost/rdf/CellLine">Cell line</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#https://schema.org/Organization" title="https://schema.org/Organization">Organization</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Database" title="http://localhost/rdf/Database">Database</a></dd> recommended name A publication that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the described resource. references A name as it appears in some register or official list.<br><dt>has domain</dt><dd><a href="#CellLine" title="http://localhost/rdf/CellLine">Cell line</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#RegistrationRecord" title="http://localhost/rdf/RegistrationRecord">Registration record</a></dd> registered name A database cross-reference that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to with the purpose to provide further information about the described resource<br><dt>has domain</dt><dd><a href="#DiscontinuationRecord" title="http://localhost/rdf/DiscontinuationRecord">Discontinuation record</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#CellLine" title="http://localhost/rdf/CellLine">Cell line</a> <b>or</b> <a href="#Publication" title="http://localhost/rdf/Publication">Publication</a></dd> see also xref status preferred namespace prefix alt label broad match close match exact match A hidden lexical label, represented by means of the skos:hiddenLabel property, is a lexical label for a resource, where a KOS designer would like that character string to be accessible to applications performing text-based indexing and search operations, but would not like that label to be visible otherwise. Hidden labels may for instance be used to include misspelled variants of other lexical labels. hidden label pref label 'A has_topic B' defines for the subject A, that it has the object B as its topic (A is in the scope of a topic B). has topic A related resource in which the described resource appears. appears in creator database derived from cell type derived from individual belonging to breed derived from individual belonging to population derived from individual belonging to species derived from individual with disease <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://www.wikidata.org/entity/P21" title="http://www.wikidata.org/entity/P21">Sex</a></dd> derived from individual with sex derived from same individual as derived from site detected allele editor Laboratory, research institute, university having established the cell line. established by has anecdotal comment has annotation has antibody heavy chain has antibody light chain has biotechnology comment has caution comment has characteristics comment has child cell line has component Discontinuation record of the cell line in a cell line catalog. has discontinuation record has donor info comment has doubling time has gene knockout has genetic integration has genome ancestry has genome modification method has HLA typing has karyotypic info comment has microsatellite instability has miscellaneous info comment has misspelling record has monoclonal antibody isotype has monoclonal antibody target has omics info has parent cell line has population has problematic cell line comment has provider has registation record has resistance has senescence comment has sequence variation info has short tandem repeat profile A related resource from which the described resource is derived or originates. has source has target has virology comment in register includes observation is member of Links two concepts where he subject concept is more specific than the object concept. The semantics is similar to skos:broader. more specific than of gene originates from publisher transformed by a core relation that holds between a whole and its part has part A (currently) primitive relation that relates an information artifact to an entity. is about contributor source has broader concept Sex parent cell line autologous cell line established from medical condition derived from organism type observation about Unique identifier for an entity in a database. accession allele identifier book title city conference title conflicting country created derived from individual at age detected target Discontinuation status of the item represented by the described resource (a cross-reference). discontinued document serie title document title DOI Population doubling-time of the cell line. Expressed in hours, days, weeks, months or qualitatively. duration ending page Notation acoording to the HGVS Nomenclature. HGVS is an internationally-recognized standard for the description of DNA, RNA, and protein sequence variants. HGVS The belonging to a specific panel or collection of cell lines in collection in group internal identifier ISO4 Journal Title Abbreviation ISSN13 marker id microsatellite instability status modified none reported percentage PMCID PMID Unique identifier of the cell line. It is normally stable across Cellosaurus versions primary accession product Identifier publication date publication year repeat number Former primary accession kept here to ensure the access to a cell line via old identifiers. secondary accession site type starting page title variation status version An identifier for a particular volume of a resource, such as a journal or a multi-volume book. volume zygosity has DOI An identifier for a particular volume of a resource, such as a journal or a multi-volume book. volume identifier has PubMed Central Identifier has PubMed Identifier Notations are symbols which are not normally recognizable as words or sequences of words in any natural language and are thus usable independently of natural-language contexts. They are typically composed of digits, complemented with punctuation signs and other characters. notation Cellosaurus ID A category for the item. category location A category denoting a rather broad domain or field of interest, study, application, work, data, or technology. Topics have no clearly defined borders between each other. Topic A part of a cellular organism that is either an immaterial entity or a material entity with granularity above the level of a protein complex. Or, a substance produced by a cellular organism with granularity above the level of a protein complex. Anatomical entity Anatomy/cell type resources Anecdotal comment Biological sample resources Biotechnology comment A group of animals homogeneous in appearance and other characteristics that distinguish it from other animals of the same species. Breed <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0001906">http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0001906</a></dd> Cancer cell line Caution comment A population of cells that originates from a primary culture, adapted to grow and divide under laboratory conditions. Used in biotechnology to consistently produce biological substances<br><dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D002460">http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D002460</a><br />skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0000031">http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0000031</a><br />rdfs:seeAlso <b>with</b> <a href="https://www.cellosaurus.org/">https://www.cellosaurus.org/</a></dd> Cell line Cell line annotation topic Cell line collections (Providers) Cell line databases/resources A material entity of anatomical origin (part of or deriving from an organism) that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane. The definition of cell is intended to represent all cells, and thus a cell is defined as a material entity and not an anatomical structure, which implies that it is part of an organism (or the entirety of one). Cell type Class of cellosaurus terminologies containing some concepts used for annotating cell lines. Cellosaurus Concept Scheme Characteristics comment A chemical entity is a physical entity of interest in chemistry including molecular entities, parts thereof, and chemical substances. Chemical entity Chemistry resources Conditionally immortalized cell line CRISP screens repositories Database Discontinuation record Disease Donor info comment <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BTO_0001581">http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BTO_0001581</a><br />skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0037279">http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0037279</a></dd> Embryonic stem cell Encyclopedic resources Experimental variables resources Factor dependent cell line <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0009829">http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0009829</a></dd> Finite cell line Gene An increase in the copy number of a particular gene. This type of abnormality can be either inherited or somatic Gene amplification A deletion that results in the loss of a DNA segment encompassing an entire gene sequence Gene deletion Gene duplication Gene expression databases Gene extensive amplification Any hybrid gene formed from two previously separate genes. Such fusions occur as a result of translocation, intersititial deletion or chromosomal inversion, and often result in gene products with functions different from the two fusion partners. Gene fusions are associated frequently with hematological cancers, sarcomas and prostate cancer Gene fusion Gene knockout The result of any gain, loss or alteration of the sequences comprising a gene, including all sequences transcribed into RN Gene mutation Gene quadruplication Gene triplication General topic Genetic integration Genome ancestry Genome modification method HLA Allele HLA Gene HLA typing Hybrid cell line <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0036932">http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0036932</a><br />skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BTO_0001926">http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BTO_0001926</a></dd> Hybridoma A protein complex that consists of two heavy chains (gamma, alpha, delta, epsilon or mu). The larger of the two immunoglobulin chain types determines the immunoglobulin class (G, A, D, E or M, respectively). The heavy chain molecules exhibit the same structure and composition, which consists of constant, variable, and hypervariable regions. Immunoglobulin heavy chain A protein complex that consists of two light chains (kappa and lambda). The light chain molecules are of the same structure and composition, consisting of constant, variable, and hypervariable regions. Immunoglobulin light chain <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0037307">http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CLO_0037307</a></dd> Induced pluripotent stem cell Karyotypic info comment Area of repetitive DNA within the genome consisting of multiple, end-to-end copies of a short DNA sequence usually comprised of di-, tri-, or tetranucleotide repeat units. Marker <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:broadMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation" title="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation">Thesis citation</a></dd> Medical degree master thesis <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:broadMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation" title="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation">Thesis citation</a></dd> Medical degree thesis Medical resources Metabolomic databases Microsatellite instability Miscellaneous document Miscellaneous info comment Misspelling record Monoclonal antibody isotype Omics info Organism-specific databases Polymorphism and mutation databases Population Population percentage <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:broadMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation" title="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation">Thesis citation</a></dd> Priva docent thesis Problematic cell line comment A biological macromolecule minimally consisting of one polypeptide chain synthesized at the ribosome.<br><dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Protein" title="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Protein">Protein</a></dd> Protein Proteomic databases <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Published_Citation" title="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Published_Citation">Published citation</a></dd> Publication Reference resources Registration record Repeat expansion STR Allele Senescence comment Sequence databases A variation in or modification of the molecular sequence of a gene or gene product. Sequence variation Sequence variation info Sex Short tandem repeat profile Somatic stem cell An entity which is used as a source of information, mostly originating from a cross-reference, a publication or an organization. Source Species Spontaneously immortalized cell line <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BTO_0005996">http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BTO_0005996</a></dd> Stromal cell line Taxonomy Technical document Telomerase immortalized cell line <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OMIT_0003790">http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OMIT_0003790</a></dd> Transformed cell line <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:broadMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation" title="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation">Thesis citation</a></dd> Veterinary medical degree thesis Virology comment Cross-Reference CRISPR/Cas9 Allele An information content entity that is intended to be a truthful statement about something (modulo, e.g., measurement precision or other systematic errors) and is constructed/acquired by a method which reliably tends to produce (approximately) truthful statements. Data item Biotechnology Virology X-ray Senescence Omics Any abnormal condition of the body or mind that causes discomfort, dysfunction, or distress to the person affected or those in contact with the person. The term is often used broadly to include injuries, disabilities, syndromes, symptoms, deviant behaviors, and atypical variations of structure and function. Disease or disorder Ranked categories for the classification of organisms according to their suspected evolutionary relationships. Taxon Gamma radiation Doubling time Transfection Mutagenesis Genetic population background information Genetic alteration information Genetic characteristics information siRNA knockdown TALEN ZFN Gene trap The introduction, alteration or integration of genetic material into a cell or organism. Genetic transformation Transduction <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:broadMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation" title="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation">Thesis citation</a></dd> Bachelor's thesis Book <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Book_Citation" title="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Book_Citation">Book chapter citation</a></dd> Book chapter Conference paper <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:broadMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation" title="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation">Thesis citation</a></dd> Doctoral thesis Expression <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Journal_Citation" title="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Journal_Citation">Journal article citation</a></dd> Journal article <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:broadMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation" title="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation">Thesis citation</a></dd> Master's thesis <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Patent_Citation" title="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Patent_Citation">Patent citation</a></dd> Patent document Report document <dt>has relation</td><dd>skos:closeMatch <b>with</b> <a href="#http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation" title="http://purl.uniprot.org/core/Thesis_Citation">Thesis citation</a></dd> Thesis Book chapter citation Citation Journal article citation Patent citation Published citation Thesis citation A generic term used to describe the clinical items included in the Orphanet nomenclature of rare diseases. Clinical entity Concept Concept scheme Observation Organization Person AntiBodies Chemically Defined database ABCD AntiBodies Chemically Defined database ABCD ABCD AntiBodies Chemically Defined database ABCD Applied Biological Materials cell line products ABM Applied Biological Materials cell line products ABM ABM Applied Biological Materials cell line products ABM American Type Culture Collection ATCC American Type Culture Collection ATCC ATCC American Type Culture Collection ATCC Abcam cell line products Abcam Abcam cell line products Abcam Abcam Abcam cell line products Abcam Abeomics cell line products Abeomics Abeomics cell line products Abeomics Abeomics Abeomics cell line products Abeomics AddexBio cell line products AddexBio AddexBio cell line products AddexBio AddexBio AddexBio cell line products AddexBio ArrayExpress Archive of Functional Genomics ArrayExpress ArrayExpress Archive of Functional Genomics ArrayExpress ArrayExpress ArrayExpress Archive of Functional Genomics ArrayExpress Beta Cell Genomics Ontology BCGO Beta Cell Genomics Ontology BCGO BCGO Beta Cell Genomics Ontology BCGO Taiwan Bioresource Collection and Research Center BCRC Taiwan Bioresource Collection and Research Center BCRC BCRC Taiwan Bioresource Collection and Research Center BCRC Banco de Celulas do Rio de Janeiro BCRJ Banco de Celulas do Rio de Janeiro BCRJ BCRJ Banco de Celulas do Rio de Janeiro BCRJ BEI Resources cell line products BEI Resources cell line products BEI_Resources BEI_Resources BEI_Resources BEI Resources cell line products BEI_Resources BRENDA Tissue Ontology BRENDA Tissue Ontology BTO BTO BTO BRENDA Tissue Ontology BTO BioGRID Open Repository of CRISPR Screens cell lines BioGRID Open Repository of CRISPR Screens cell lines BioGRID_ORCS_Cell_line BioGRID_ORCS_Cell_line BioGRID_ORCS_Cell_line BioGRID Open Repository of CRISPR Screens cell lines BioGRID_ORCS_Cell_line BioSample database BioSample BioSample database BioSample BioSample BioSample database BioSample BioSamples database BioSamples BioSamples database BioSamples BioSamples BioSamples database BioSamples CellBank Australia CBA CellBank Australia CBA CBA CellBank Australia CBA Collection of Cell Lines in Veterinary Medicine CCLV Collection of Cell Lines in Veterinary Medicine CCLV CCLV Collection of Cell Lines in Veterinary Medicine CCLV Chinese Cell Resource Information Database CCRID Chinese Cell Resource Information Database CCRID CCRID Chinese Cell Resource Information Database CCRID China Center for Type Culture Collection CCTCC China Center for Type Culture Collection CCTCC CCTCC China Center for Type Culture Collection CCTCC CGH Data Base CGH Data Base CGH-DB CGH-DB CGH-DB CGH Data Base CGH-DB Chicken Gene Nomenclature Consortium Database CGNC Chicken Gene Nomenclature Consortium Database CGNC CGNC Chicken Gene Nomenclature Consortium Database CGNC data-version: cl/releases/2024-05-15/cl-simple.owl Cell Ontology CL Cell Ontology CL CL Cell Ontology CL Cell Line Data Base CLDB Cell Line Data Base CLDB CLDB Cell Line Data Base CLDB Cell Line Ontology CLO Cell Line Ontology CLO CLO Cell Line Ontology CLO Cell Lines Service CLS Cell Lines Service CLS CLS Cell Lines Service CLS CancerTools.org CancerTools CancerTools.org CancerTools CancerTools CancerTools.org CancerTools Cell Biolabs cell line products Cell Biolabs cell line products Cell_Biolabs Cell_Biolabs Cell_Biolabs Cell Biolabs cell line products Cell_Biolabs Sanger Cell Model Passports Cell_Model_Passport Sanger Cell Model Passports Cell_Model_Passport Cell_Model_Passport Sanger Cell Model Passports Cell_Model_Passport Cellosaurus Publication CelloPub Cellosaurus Publication CelloPub CelloPub Cellosaurus Publication CelloPub Cellosaurus - a knowledge resource on cell lines Cellosaurus Cellosaurus - a knowledge resource on cell lines Cellosaurus Cellosaurus Cellosaurus - a knowledge resource on cell lines Cellosaurus data-version: 238 Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ChEBI Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ChEBI ChEBI Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ChEBI ChEMBL database of bioactive drug-like small molecules - Cell lines section ChEMBL database of bioactive drug-like small molecules - Cell lines section ChEMBL-Cells ChEMBL-Cells ChEMBL-Cells ChEMBL database of bioactive drug-like small molecules - Cell lines section ChEMBL-Cells ChEMBL database of bioactive drug-like small molecules - Targets section ChEMBL database of bioactive drug-like small molecules - Targets section ChEMBL-Targets ChEMBL-Targets ChEMBL-Targets ChEMBL database of bioactive drug-like small molecules - Targets section ChEMBL-Targets ClinVar ClinVar ClinVar ClinVar ClinVar ClinVar Colorectal Cancer Atlas ColonAtlas Colorectal Cancer Atlas ColonAtlas ColonAtlas Colorectal Cancer Atlas ColonAtlas Coriell Institute Biorepositories Coriell Coriell Institute Biorepositories Coriell Coriell Coriell Institute Biorepositories Coriell Catalogue of somatic mutations in cancer Catalogue of somatic mutations in cancer Cosmic Cosmic Cosmic Catalogue of somatic mutations in cancer Cosmic COSMIC Cell lines Project COSMIC Cell lines Project Cosmic-CLP Cosmic-CLP Cosmic-CLP COSMIC Cell lines Project Cosmic-CLP Drosophila Genomics Resource Center DGRC Drosophila Genomics Resource Center DGRC DGRC Drosophila Genomics Resource Center DGRC Digital Object Identifier DOI Digital Object Identifier DOI DOI Digital Object Identifier DOI Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank DSHB Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank DSHB DSHB Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank DSHB Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen DSMZ Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen DSMZ DSMZ Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen DSMZ DSMZ Tools for Diving into Cell Line Data DSMZ Tools for Diving into Cell Line Data DSMZCellDive DSMZCellDive DSMZCellDive DSMZ Tools for Diving into Cell Line Data DSMZCellDive Cancer Dependency Map Cancer Dependency Map DepMap DepMap DepMap Cancer Dependency Map DepMap DiscoverX cell line products DiscoverX DiscoverX cell line products DiscoverX DiscoverX DiscoverX cell line products DiscoverX DrugBank database DrugBank DrugBank database DrugBank DrugBank DrugBank database DrugBank European Bank for induced pluripotent Stem Cells EBiSC European Bank for induced pluripotent Stem Cells EBiSC EBiSC European Bank for induced pluripotent Stem Cells EBiSC European Collection of Cell Cultures ECACC European Collection of Cell Cultures ECACC ECACC European Collection of Cell Cultures ECACC Experimental Factor Ontology EFO Experimental Factor Ontology EFO EFO Experimental Factor Ontology EFO European Genome-Phenome Archive EGA European Genome-Phenome Archive EGA EGA European Genome-Phenome Archive EGA Encyclopedia of DNA Elements ENCODE Encyclopedia of DNA Elements ENCODE ENCODE Encyclopedia of DNA Elements ENCODE European Searchable Tumour Line Database ESTDAB European Searchable Tumour Line Database ESTDAB ESTDAB European Searchable Tumour Line Database ESTDAB Evercyte cell line products Evercyte Evercyte cell line products Evercyte Evercyte Evercyte cell line products Evercyte FujiFilm Cellular Dynamics, Inc FCDI FujiFilm Cellular Dynamics, Inc FCDI FCDI FujiFilm Cellular Dynamics, Inc FCDI Fetal Calf Serum-Free Database FCS-free Fetal Calf Serum-Free Database FCS-free FCS-free Fetal Calf Serum-Free Database FCS-free Fluorescent Protein database FPbase Fluorescent Protein database FPbase FPbase Fluorescent Protein database FPbase Drosophila genome database; cell line entry Drosophila genome database; cell line entry FlyBase_Cell_line FlyBase_Cell_line FlyBase_Cell_line Drosophila genome database; cell line entry FlyBase_Cell_line Drosophila genome database; gene entry Drosophila genome database; gene entry FlyBase_Gene FlyBase_Gene FlyBase_Gene Drosophila genome database; gene entry FlyBase_Gene Drosophila genome database; strain entry Drosophila genome database; strain entry FlyBase_Strain FlyBase_Strain FlyBase_Strain Drosophila genome database; strain entry FlyBase_Strain Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer Project GDSC Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer Project GDSC GDSC Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer Project GDSC Gene Expression Omnibus GEO Gene Expression Omnibus GEO GEO Gene Expression Omnibus GEO GeneCopoeia cell line products GeneCopoeia GeneCopoeia cell line products GeneCopoeia GeneCopoeia GeneCopoeia cell line products GeneCopoeia GenScript cell line products GenScript cell line products Genomeditech Genomeditech Genomeditech GenScript cell line products Genomeditech Human Gene Nomenclature Committee Database HGNC Human Gene Nomenclature Committee Database HGNC HGNC Human Gene Nomenclature Committee Database HGNC NIH HIV Reagent Program HIVReagentProgram NIH HIV Reagent Program HIVReagentProgram HIVReagentProgram NIH HIV Reagent Program HIVReagentProgram Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Initiative HipSci Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Initiative HipSci HipSci Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Initiative HipSci Horizon Discovery cell line collection Horizon Discovery cell line collection Horizon_Discovery Horizon_Discovery Horizon_Discovery Horizon Discovery cell line collection Horizon_Discovery Hysigen cell line collection Hysigen Hysigen cell line collection Hysigen Hysigen Hysigen cell line collection Hysigen IARC TP53 Database IARC TP53 Database IARC_TP53 IARC_TP53 IARC_TP53 IARC TP53 Database IARC_TP53 Iranian Biological Research Center cell line collection IBRC Iranian Biological Research Center cell line collection IBRC IBRC Iranian Biological Research Center cell line collection IBRC Interlab Cell Line Collection ICLC Interlab Cell Line Collection ICLC ICLC Interlab Cell Line Collection ICLC Insect Cell Lines DataBase ICLDB Insect Cell Lines DataBase ICLDB ICLDB Insect Cell Lines DataBase ICLDB Integrated Genomic Resources of human Cell Lines for Identification IGRhCellID Integrated Genomic Resources of human Cell Lines for Identification IGRhCellID IGRhCellID Integrated Genomic Resources of human Cell Lines for Identification IGRhCellID International Genome Sample Resource IGSR International Genome Sample Resource IGSR IGSR International Genome Sample Resource IGSR International Histocompatibility Workshop cell lines IHW International Histocompatibility Workshop cell lines IHW IHW International Histocompatibility Workshop cell lines IHW IPD-IMGT/HLA database IPD-IMGT/HLA IPD-IMGT/HLA database IPD-IMGT/HLA IPD-IMGT/HLA IPD-IMGT/HLA database IPD-IMGT/HLA Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell'Emilia Romagna biobank IZSLER Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell'Emilia Romagna biobank IZSLER IZSLER Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell'Emilia Romagna biobank IZSLER Imanis Life Sciences cell line products Imanis Imanis Life Sciences cell line products Imanis Imanis Imanis Life Sciences cell line products Imanis Innoprot cell line products Innoprot Innoprot cell line products Innoprot Innoprot Innoprot cell line products Innoprot Japanese Collection of Research Bioresources Cell Bank JCRB Japanese Collection of Research Bioresources Cell Bank JCRB JCRB Japanese Collection of Research Bioresources Cell Bank JCRB Kunming Cell Bank of Type Culture Collection KCB Kunming Cell Bank of Type Culture Collection KCB KCB Kunming Cell Bank of Type Culture Collection KCB Korean Cell Line Bank KCLB Korean Cell Line Bank KCLB KCLB Korean Cell Line Bank KCLB KYinno cell lines KYinno KYinno cell lines KYinno KYinno KYinno cell lines KYinno Kerafast cell lines Kerafast Kerafast cell lines Kerafast Kerafast Kerafast cell lines Kerafast Liver Cancer Model Repository LIMORE Liver Cancer Model Repository LIMORE LIMORE Liver Cancer Model Repository LIMORE Harvard Medical School (HMS) LINCS Center Harvard Medical School (HMS) LINCS Center LINCS_HMS LINCS_HMS LINCS_HMS Harvard Medical School (HMS) LINCS Center LINCS_HMS LINCS Data Portal LINCS Data Portal LINCS_LDP LINCS_LDP LINCS_LDP LINCS Data Portal LINCS_LDP Cancer cell LInes GEne fusions portAl Cancer cell LInes GEne fusions portAl LiGeA LiGeA LiGeA Cancer cell LInes GEne fusions portAl LiGeA Lonza Cell and Transfection Database Lonza Lonza Cell and Transfection Database Lonza Lonza Lonza Cell and Transfection Database Lonza Molecular Connection Cell Line ontology MCCL Molecular Connection Cell Line ontology MCCL MCCL Molecular Connection Cell Line ontology MCCL Mouse Genome Database (MGD) from Mouse Genome Informatics MGI Mouse Genome Database (MGD) from Mouse Genome Informatics MGI MGI Mouse Genome Database (MGD) from Mouse Genome Informatics MGI Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Centers MMRRC Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Centers MMRRC MMRRC Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Centers MMRRC Medical Subject Headings MeSH Medical Subject Headings MeSH MeSH Medical Subject Headings MeSH MetaboLights database for metabolomics experiments and derived information MetaboLights MetaboLights database for metabolomics experiments and derived information MetaboLights MetaboLights MetaboLights database for metabolomics experiments and derived information MetaboLights Merck Millipore (EMD Millipore) Merck Millipore (EMD Millipore) Millipore Millipore Millipore Merck Millipore (EMD Millipore) Millipore National Cell Bank of Iran NCBI_Iran National Cell Bank of Iran NCBI_Iran NCBI_Iran National Cell Bank of Iran NCBI_Iran 2024-06-05 NCBI taxonomy database NCBI taxonomy database NCBI_TaxID NCBI_TaxID NCBI_TaxID NCBI taxonomy database NCBI_TaxID NCI Development Therapeutics Program NCI Development Therapeutics Program NCI-DTP NCI-DTP NCI-DTP NCI Development Therapeutics Program NCI-DTP data-version: releases/2024-05-07 NCI thesaurus NCI thesaurus NCIt NCIt NCIt NCI thesaurus NCIt NINDS Human Cell and Data Repository NHCDR NINDS Human Cell and Data Repository NHCDR NHCDR NINDS Human Cell and Data Repository NHCDR NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry NIHhESC NIHhESC NIHhESC NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry NIHhESC National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological Science Cell Database NISES National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological Science Cell Database NISES NISES National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological Science Cell Database NISES National Repository of Fish Cell Line NRFC National Repository of Fish Cell Line NRFC NRFC National Repository of Fish Cell Line NRFC 4.4 Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology ORDO Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology ORDO ORDO Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology ORDO PubMed Central PMCID PubMed Central PMCID PMCID PubMed Central PMCID Plant Ontology PO Plant Ontology PO PO Plant Ontology PO PRoteomics IDEntifications archive PRIDE PRoteomics IDEntifications archive PRIDE PRIDE PRoteomics IDEntifications archive PRIDE Google Patents Google Patents Patent Patent Patent Google Patents Patent PerkinElmer cell line collection PerkinElmer PerkinElmer cell line collection PerkinElmer PerkinElmer PerkinElmer cell line collection PerkinElmer PharmacoDB integrative pharmacogenomic database PharmacoDB PharmacoDB integrative pharmacogenomic database PharmacoDB PharmacoDB PharmacoDB integrative pharmacogenomic database PharmacoDB Cancer genome data @ progenetix.org Cancer genome data @ progenetix.org Progenetix Progenetix Progenetix Cancer genome data @ progenetix.org Progenetix PubChem compound database PubChem PubChem compound database PubChem PubChem PubChem compound database PubChem PubChem compound database; cell line pages PubChem compound database; cell line pages PubChem_Cell_line PubChem_Cell_line PubChem_Cell_line PubChem compound database; cell line pages PubChem_Cell_line PubMed PubMed PubMed PubMed PubMed PubMed RIKEN Bioresource Center Cell Bank RCB RIKEN Bioresource Center Cell Bank RCB RCB RIKEN Bioresource Center Cell Bank RCB Rat Genome Database RGD Rat Genome Database RGD RGD Rat Genome Database RGD RIKEN BRC Experimental Plant Division cell lines RIKEN BRC Experimental Plant Division cell lines RIKEN_BRC_EPD RIKEN_BRC_EPD RIKEN_BRC_EPD RIKEN BRC Experimental Plant Division cell lines RIKEN_BRC_EPD http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/rs/6.224/rs.owl Rat Strain Ontology RS Rat Strain Ontology RS RS Rat Strain Ontology RS Royan Stem Cell Bank RSCB Royan Stem Cell Bank RSCB RSCB Royan Stem Cell Bank RSCB Rockland cell line products Rockland Rockland cell line products Rockland Rockland Rockland cell line products Rockland Stemcell Knowledge and Information Portal SKIP Stemcell Knowledge and Information Portal SKIP SKIP Stemcell Knowledge and Information Portal SKIP SKY/M-FISH and CGH database SKY/M-FISH and CGH database SKY/M-FISH/CGH SKY/M-FISH/CGH SKY/M-FISH/CGH SKY/M-FISH and CGH database SKY/M-FISH/CGH SUM Breast Cancer Cell Line Knowledge Base SLKBase SUM Breast Cancer Cell Line Knowledge Base SLKBase SLKBase SUM Breast Cancer Cell Line Knowledge Base SLKBase Sigma-Aldrich cell line products Sigma-Aldrich Sigma-Aldrich cell line products Sigma-Aldrich Sigma-Aldrich Sigma-Aldrich cell line products Sigma-Aldrich Tohoku University cell line catalog TKG Tohoku University cell line catalog TKG TKG Tohoku University cell line catalog TKG Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks TNGB Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks TNGB TNGB Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks TNGB TOKU-E Cell-culture Database TOKU-E TOKU-E Cell-culture Database TOKU-E TOKU-E TOKU-E Cell-culture Database TOKU-E data-version: uberon/releases/2024-05-13/uberon-simple.owl Uber-anatomy ontology UBERON Uber-anatomy ontology UBERON UBERON Uber-anatomy ontology UBERON Ubigene Biosciences cell line products Ubigene Ubigene Biosciences cell line products Ubigene Ubigene Ubigene Biosciences cell line products Ubigene UniProt knowledgebase UniProt knowledgebase UniProtKB UniProtKB UniProtKB UniProt knowledgebase UniProtKB 2024-08-14 Vertebrate Breed Ontology VBO Vertebrate Breed Ontology VBO VBO Vertebrate Breed Ontology VBO Vertebrate Gene Nomenclature Committee Database VGNC Vertebrate Gene Nomenclature Committee Database VGNC VGNC Vertebrate Gene Nomenclature Committee Database VGNC WiCell Research Institute Cell Collection WiCell WiCell Research Institute Cell Collection WiCell WiCell WiCell Research Institute Cell Collection WiCell Wikidata Wikidata Wikidata Wikidata Wikidata Wikidata Ximbio reagents online portal Ximbio Ximbio reagents online portal Ximbio Ximbio Ximbio reagents online portal Ximbio cancercelllines.org - cancer cell line oncogenomic online resource cancercelllines cancercelllines.org - cancer cell line oncogenomic online resource cancercelllines cancercelllines cancercelllines.org - cancer cell line oncogenomic online resource cancercelllines Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes dbGAP dbGAP dbGAP Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes dbGAP dbMHC database dbMHC dbMHC database dbMHC dbMHC dbMHC database dbMHC Single Nucleotide Polymorphism database Single Nucleotide Polymorphism database dbSNP dbSNP dbSNP Single Nucleotide Polymorphism database dbSNP Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Registry Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Registry hPSCreg hPSCreg hPSCreg Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Registry hPSCreg 4D Nucleome Data Portal 4D Nucleome Data Portal 4DN 4DN 4DN 4D Nucleome Data Portal 4DN 2024-07-30 1.0 - 2025-03-10 09:59:37.044606 - prod 2025-03-10 Cellosaurus ontology Anecdotal Anecdotal details regarding the cell line (its origin, its name or any other particularity). Anecdotal BAC homologous recombination BAC homologous recombination Biotechnology The field devoted to applying the techniques of biochemistry, cellular biology, biophysics, and molecular biology to addressing issues related to human beings and the environment. Biotechnology Caution Errors, inconsistencies, ambiguities regarding the origin or other aspects of the cell line. Caution Characteristics Production process or specific biological properties of the cell line Characteristics Cre/loxP Cre/loxP CRISPR/Cas9 CRISPR/Cas9 CRISPR/Cas9n CRISPR/Cas9n Discontinuation Discontinuation status of the cell line in a cell line catalog. Discontinuation DonorInfo Miscellaneous information relevant to the donor of the cell line. DonorInfo EBV-based vector siRNA knockdown EBV-based vector siRNA knockdown Female Female Floxing/Cre recombination Floxing/Cre recombination Gamma radiation Gamma radiation Gene-targeted KO mouse Gene-targeted KO mouse Gene trap Gene trap Genome modification method NOS Genome modification method NOS Helper-dependent adenoviral vector Helper-dependent adenoviral vector Homologous recombination Homologous recombination Knockout-first conditional Knockout-first conditional KO mouse KO mouse KO pig KO pig Male Male miRNA knockdown miRNA knockdown Miscellaneous Miscellaneous remarks about the cell line. Miscellaneous Misspelling Identified misspelling(s) of the cell line name with in some case the specific publication or external resource entry where it appears. Misspelling Mixed sex Mixed sex Mutagenesis Mutagenesis Null mutation Null mutation Omics The fields of research that use large scale sets of bioinformatics data to identify, describe and quantify the entire set of molecules and molecular processes that contribute to the form and function of cells, tissues and organisms. Omics P-element P-element PiggyBac transposition PiggyBac transposition Prime editing Prime editing Problematic cell line Remarks about a problematic aspect of the cell line. Problematic cell line Promoterless gene targeting Promoterless gene targeting Recombinase-mediated cassette exchange Recombinase-mediated cassette exchange Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Registration Register or official list in which the cell line is registered. Registration Senescence PDL stands for Population Doubling Level. The process of growing old and showing the effects of time. Senescence Sex ambiguous Sex ambiguous Sex unspecified Sex unspecified shRNA knockdown shRNA knockdown siRNA knockdown siRNA knockdown Sleeping Beauty transposition Sleeping Beauty transposition Spontaneous mutation Spontaneous mutation TALEN TALEN Targeted integration Targeted integration Transduction Transduction Transduction/transfection Transduction/transfection Transfection Transfection Transfection/transduction Transfection/transduction Transgenic fish Transgenic fish Transgenic mouse Transgenic mouse Transgenic rat Transgenic rat Virology The science that deals with the study of viruses. Virology X-ray X-ray ZFN ZFN Doubling time In biology, the amount of time it takes for one cell to divide or for a group of cells (such as a tumor) to double in size. The doubling time is different for different kinds of cancer cells or tumors. Doubling time doi in scheme